I work with various transceivers, in my Sjack in Vlaardingen I have a Flexradio 6600M, with this I work phone and digital mode FT 8 in combination with WSJTX and Gridtracker. For 2 meters and 4 meters I have a transverter around my tranceiver.
I also have an Icom 7610, I also use this for Phone and digital modules such as RTTY, PSK, etc and decoding CW which I do not yet have under control.
For VHF and UHF I use the Icom 9700.
I have a SPE power amplifier from SPE which is connected to both transceivers, this amplifier also has my antennas that automatically switch to the band I am using, these are an Optibeam 13-6 for 10-12-15-17- 20 and 40 meters, a 4/6 meter 4 elements beam, a vertical all band antenna for 6 to 160 meters and a Diamond X300 for 2 m and 70 cm.