My name is Ben van schoor – callsign PA3 BVS
Welcome on my page.
My name is Ben and I live in Brielle, a beautifull Small Town with a lot of history in the Province of Zuid-Holland (South Holland).
I started with this hobby in 1976 with the Callsign PD0DAH. After a long break I started this hobby again in October 2015.
Tranceiver Flexradio 6600 M
remoted controled by Flexradio Maestro
2e Tranceiver Icom 7610
Power Amplifier Expert SPE 1.5K , controled direct and remote
Rotator Big Boy controled by pstrotator remote and direct
Microphone Heil 781
Antenna,s , Optibeam 13-6 and Hygain AV -680.
since april 2019 also active on FT8
on my second home location in the Algarve Portugal i work with the callsign CT7AQE.
Hope to work you soon,
pls can you confirm this QSO, Thank you